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School Safety Testimonial

Read some of the great things our customers are saying:

To anyone interested in and concerned about the safety of our schools,

I spent 31 years protecting and serving the citizens of Missouri and the United States and the Staying Home dual-purpose shelter is the most exciting prospect I have seen on the market for protecting our school children and teachers from the threats of school shooters and tornados.
Its unique design puts the shelter right in the classroom where it provides instant bullet-proof and tornado protection of up to 25 students plus the teacher. No more turning off lights and barricading a classroom door with desks and chairs hoping the shooter will go on and no more herding students to a brick and mortar storm-shelter located somewhere else on campus hoping you get there before the tornado hits. This is real protection where you need it the most – IN THE CLASSROOM.

I would encourage anyone contemplating school safety issues to consider the Staying Home [Hide-Away Storm] Shelter

Mark S. JamesDirector, Missouri Department of Public Safety and Homeland Security Advisor (2005-2009)
U.S. Bureau of ATF Special Agent in Charge (retired) and former Chief of Intelligence (1987-2007)
Missouri State Trooper and former Supervisor of Intelligence Section (1978-1987)